Val Kilmer is a dead ringer for Frank Luke Jr (Middle Picture). Frank Luke was a World War I was hero, and had a very interesting life. That would make a great movie, if Hollywood knew what the American people like to really see. American airmen flying Spad vintage fighters.
People who hate Obama are more apt to think he's Muslim? Not So, because on June 11 2008 Moammar Kadafi, who loves Barry Insane Obama, called Obama a home slice. A homeboy of Kenyan descent and Indonesian grassroots where he studied and repititiously nodded back and forth for hours on end repeating verses of the muslim cookbook.
A number of people suggested yesterday that the rise in people who think Obama is a Muslim reflects the fact that people may simply be describing him this way to express general disapproval or anger over his performance.
Wrong, on a Sunday talk show George Stephanophoulos nearly passed out when Obama did a Freudian slip of the tongue and said that the RINO McCain never held his muslimism or rather "his faith" against him. That day, as far as I am concerned is the day Obama admitted his muslim faith.
His wife also admitted her stud was a Kenyan in a video concerning, the child man alien president facsimile was in his hometown.
Today, Post polling director Jon Cohen does a deep dive into the numbers and comes up with more evidence supporting this case. So what for the polls. Obama's own words is the bottom line.
Cohen points out that two polls released yesterday both found very different answers to the "Muslim" question. The Time poll found that 24 percent falsely think he's Muslim, while the Pew poll found that "only" 18 percent believe this? Why? It's all in the question's wording:
Time pollsters asked, "Do you personally believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim or a Christian," dangling red meat in front of the president's opponents. The Pew question presented respondents with a more extensive list: "Now, thinking about Barack Obama's religious beliefs ... Do you happen to know what Barack Obama's religion is? Is he Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, agnostic, or something else?"
The answer is simple and obvious. Obamas religion is Barry Hussein Obama. His only true religion is to him, is himself.
Ben Quayle, candidate for Congress in Arizona's 3rd District, is declaring that President Obama is the worst president ever. I concur.
Obama has certainly spent more money that the country didn't have, the dude is the reason for the loss of more jobs in 18 months.He is to imbecilic to changes course so, he will have tried to raise more tax dollars from already burdened Americans.More than any president in history.
The wannabe dictator did the first ever seizure of a private company in the United States...ever.No one did anything. What did he care OF ANY LAWS THAT REGULATE PRIVATE COMPANIES. NO TIME TO BREATHfor any company of any size in disregard for the existing laws of debt and bankruptcy for the messiah in chief. Then he copped the Housing Fronts of guaranteed mortgages.He did not stop there then came the student loans.Oh then he did the banks, and every liberal dope cheered for the Mulatto.This duffous then pushed through the greatest nationalization of an industry ever with Obamacare.He can't run an economy, then how in the name of God can he run the nations health care. Dude we have other things to do. The Kenyan puts 2 diabetic bimbos into the Supreme Court so that the older justices will have to sit on the bench with pee pads and wear adult diapers until we get a new President.
The Alien, i also mean that figuratively as well objective and subjective, then as is giving greater reign to unelected bureaucrats. Many are undefined perverts, subversives and communists. Ladies and Gentlemen, so we witness the EPA's power grab over emissions and creation of a utility to force control of the Internet despite the Supreme Court saying, No you can't. Obama says, as usual, YES WE CAN..
I am sorry but this dunce will have created more new federal boards, agencies and authorities in the Obamacare monster than in any other single legislative act in American history, and with nomoney.
This president has certainly treated allies worse than any president in history, and his appeasement of Iran has few parallels in our past.
President Obama owns the bowing-to-other-heads-of-state record. Obama, he loves bending over, let me be clear, and with good reason he likes to bend..Rumors are surfacing that he bends over with good reason, he's had practice. WWewweweee. In the aftermath of a radical decision overturning Prop 8 and rewriting 4,000 years of western civilization, the president was silent despite his alleged opposition to same sex marriage, yeah right.If you believe that, I believe the male escort in the book about him and Barry baby, how we did it.
But the president's numbers are falling rapidly and very early in the life of his presidency for good reason: He is governing against the people on most issues and I hope well for Mr Quayle, candidate for Congress in Arizona's 3rd District.
In sheer numbers of dollars Obama has certainly spent more money that the country didn't have, presided over the loss of more jobs in 18 months and --unless he changes course soon-- will have raised more tax dollars from already burdened Americans than any president in history.
But the president's numbers are falling rapidly and I wager its lower then its admitted. Its for good reason: He is governing against the people on most issues and on others he is voting "present," just as he did repeatedly in the Illinois legislature. On the Ground Zero Mosque his spokesman declared that only a local issue was in play. True to form what can you expect from a Muslim and sympathizer.
So Ben Quayle has a pretty good argument about this president being in the running for the title "worst ever." Ben Quayle is getting grief from the Obama cheering section because he bluntly declared what millions are thinking and with good reason.Obama is in over his head. Way over his head.
I just paid $500.00 for a 94 Geo metro 2 door n it runs like a top.. and i am negotiating to buy a 3 cylinder engine with 108,000 original miles. I will install new rings and hone the cylinder walls. I will do whatever else is necessary and save the engine, as a back up.
It is the Geo Metro 3 cylinder that has a fuel gauge that the fuel sits for a long while, way before you have to go to get gas with reports of 50 and 60 miles to the gallon. I refuse to get anything electric, no volt or buy the crap from the Obama's GM crooks.
We all know what drugs do to people. Get the druggies out of congress n get reasonable people in government to help. Let us refine and drill the oil and use natural gas and show the world the America that we still are. Gas is king and always will be.
On the 1994 Geo Metro, you can extend your miles per gallon. If you get some sheet metal at the junkyard, you can form your own wheel skirts. Get an old bug deflector from a 150F Ford truck. Go to Lowe's, get some angle brackets and make a air flow changes to the lower bumper. Some clear cut Plastic glass for the headlights and eliminate the drag on the car.
Think Gas, the economy and do for change left in your pocket . For everyone sake, when you vote for anyone, we have enough of dinosaur career politician lying on and on and on.
Muslim conquerors have demonstrated their hatred and disdain for all other religions by purposefully erecting mosques over some of the most sacred and hallowed places of Judaic and Christian worship.
The al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is built on top of one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the Temple Mount. The former St. Sophia’s Basilica, once the world’s largest cathedral and orthodox patriarchal basilica, was torn down and replaced with the principal mosque of Istanbul. The Cordoba mosque in Spain was a former Christian cathedral. Muslims have engaged in this practice for centuries, symbolizing their victories over the infidels.
So lets all now allow a huge Mosque in New York dedicated to the 19 scumbags who killed 3000 people