Friday, February 12, 2010

Captain America versus the Tea Party

Marvel Comics, Issue 602 of the comic features Captain America investigating a right-wing anti-government militia group called "the Watchdogs". Hoping to infiltrate the group, Captain America and his African-American sidekick The Falcon observe an anti-tax protest from a rooftop.
The protesters depicted are all white and carry signs adorned with slogans almost identical to those seen today in Tea Party rallies like "tea bag libs before they tea bag you" and "stop the socialists."
After 1941, Captain America has made mucho money for Marvel Comics, with the fictional super-patriot. The Captain fought Nazis in World War II, took on the doves who burned the American flag during the Vietnam era. Now, the Captain took on the Tea Party. In a storyline about investigating white supremacists aka the tea party movement. I don't need an apology from Marvel, they have a right to free speech as well.
I see the tea party as a movement by people who are tired of being taxed to death. The people, to my dismay, are righteously indignant, finally and in my lifetime, are rising against a government. A government no longer of the people and for the people. Instead we have a comic book government from the alien comic and chief script reader , on down. All of his czars, his advisers, and down to the congress, my God, the congress, so stupid to see they are being replaced by the czars.
The legislature gangsters, continue to spend money we do not have despite what the people want. The aristocrats pending monopoly money on programs that we do not want and will ultimately do us no good. The creeps make laws not for you and not for them. Tell you anything to keep these scumbags in power.
Case and point CHUCKY CHEESE SCHUMMER the TUMOR OF NEW YORK, this hump is circumventing the judgement of the Supreme Court on Campaign Financing by new law to do the same. Why because it endangers the Socialist Democrat aristocrats continued stay in power.
To bad but the permanent fixtures in congress is in the sunset years. Its because of the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT AND GOD. GOD RECALLED KENNEDY, MURTHA, and Charley Wilson.
The tea party movement wised up many people. Is it any wonder that Sam Brownback, George V. Voinovich, Christopher S. "Kit" Bond, Paul G. Kirk, Jr., Jim Bunning, Dodd, and now Kennedy is not running?

The wrath of America is coming. Captain America is either with us or against us, however I am sure when Obummer comes for Marvel he will get the Tea Party point.

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