Sunday, June 12, 2011

Obama on Mount Rushmore?

Richard Gere, thinks Obama is so great that he should be on Mount Rushmore. His Hero-ship, Barak Insane Obama, truly the worst President ever, the king of Audacity, and the putz for hope and change he gave us. IN truth the hope n change that we get, is a republican House and Senate. The loose change that is so hard to come by is maybe in the cushions and mattresses, In my opinion, the current state of affairs is not Bush fault, but the fault of the Alien, Mr. Obama, the biggest sneak to ever occupy the OvalOffice.

Heaven help us in 2012

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Obama YOUR FIRED Trump in 2012

What goes around comes around. Just as Obama used the laws to disqualify his opponents in Illinois during his bid for the Senate, so should the birth Certificate be an issue to disqualify him by Donald Trump. Mr Trump knows what the people feels, and how Obama perpetuated the greatest hoax ever on the American People in my opinion.

It will be Obama's legacy that he in fact was an alien and in the years to come thats what he will be remembered for since he has done nothing except to unite a country against him. Everybody is impotent on this issue except for Donald Trump, the next President of the United States and he will win even as an independent. I pray he reminds everyone why we are the greatest Nation on God's

I don't have to be politically correct, and in my opinion, Obama was not born here. Its all over the Utube, its in videos, on television and even in town halls Obama and his Moochelle have both said he was born in Africa. Where there is smoke there is fire. That said the day will come that his birthplace will be confirmed and without dispute nor challenge

I blame not so much Obama as the RNC, Hillary, McCain, the congress and the judges. All complicit in allowing this heathen to drown our country in red ink and to compromise our energy to the point of poverty for some people.

The people running our country, Cass Sustein, Henry Pailsen, Tim Guithner, look at their faces. Only another drug Addict would give these guys a job. I bet Sustein still has the bark embedded in his shirt from hugging trees. Our regime of communist that could not find North if they had a compass and they start wars.

Its a disgrace that a nation of people born educated and raised in the land of plenty to allow drug addicts to determine our energy policy under the guise of the EPA, give me a break already.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Killer Inside Me DVD Review a must see

The Killer Inside Me (not for the squeamish) extremely violent. Casey Aflleck was perfect for the role. Jessica Alba, she is one of mt weaknesses, was phenomenal.

The Killer Inside Me is a 2010 American film adaptation of the 1952 novel of the same name by Jim Thompson.

The film is directed by Michael Winterbottom and stars The Killer Inside Me , Casey Afleck, Kate Hudson, and Jessica Alba. At its release, it was instantly reviled for its graphic depiction of violence and especially as it was directed toward women. To tell the truth I am not squemish, but i admit he violence was so intense that I had to pause the DVD and wait a hal;f hour before going back to the Movie.

At its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2010, Jessica Alba left the theater half way through the screening. It was said she actually had a airplane to catch.

At the emd of the film, someone stood and called to the films director, who was in the audience, saying: "I don't understand how Sundance could book this movie! How dare you? How dare Sundance?" The violence has colored most critical reviews of the film ever since. How dare you? I hate fascists.

I read somewhere the director was speechless and in shock at the reaction by a member of the audience.

In my opinion the world is violent, though tragic we have to face the fact that some people are serial killers. Some woman like pain and the dastardly deeds need to be exposed. Its one thing to hear, read of a wife's beating but quite another to see it depicted. Like it or not some people like pain. Many women in the fifties sustained beatings at the hands of husbands as many would write to Dear Abby about it.

Though my Dad was not as serial killer, it took my mother 17 years before she finally had enough. I actually celebrated the divorce of my parents. The day my mother and father divorced, I was 16 and I told my mother, "Ma! though you don't see it, you hit the lottery the day Dad left". I stand by that statement.

In my sunset years I have always taught my my daughter and especially my sons, "Real men don't hit Woman? Your grandmother, your mom, and your sister are woman, don't ever forget that.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder an example here

A gentleman, that I had the pleasure of an exchange of Ideas, the incomparable Mr. David Seger
You put down those who differ with you. Liberals, the NY Daily News, anybody who differs with you; your so called conservative view point. I bet all in the name of the Lord right? You have much more to learn. Free speech, when your word...s demean others there must be restraint but obviously so many choose to act ignorantly especially the acts of so many republicans. You may have read some but you sure are ignorant when it comes to the common decency of treating others with respect like so many republicans do. I suggest you try to let your words bring love, joy, and peace to others. You are an offense to so many. Try to accept and love others maybe you will be a more happy person. I feel sorry for you. I can tell you are a miserable person. Liberals do not try to tell you how to live yet you try to make them live how you want them to. Leave people alone and stop putting others down. Look at yourself you have enough faults of or own to deal with. Maybe then you will be happier.
David! you deduced all of those personality traits from two paragraphs, amazing. Sir! you don't even know me. Since you are a liberal so far left you sneak up on my right. Your perception of my personality is irrelevant to any post in Face book. I deliberately refrain from insulting you,
but you missed it. Free speech, despite what you think, demands that someone B offended. Though liberals dream with making being offended, a jailing offense, its still legal to be offended.

You said "suggest you try to let your words bring love, joy, and peace to others" n all you have to do is find it. Its a cruel world we live in, its not a utopia and will never be.

I don't differ with the NY Daily News, and its infantile because its geared that way. The design is for the strap hangers on the subway, and for 3rd graders. This is a fact, I don't print it, The Daily News does. Like the NY Times is on a HS school level, same thing but there's also a stroke of the ego since its deemed for sophistication.

The Republicans, are no better then the Democrats, but you don't see that. Have you noticed your dwindling paycheck courtesy of Liberals in government. Conservatives by nature live and let live. Liberals want to tell you what to do. Case and point You read this...your own words...

David says..."You put down those who differ with you. Liberals, the NY Daily News, anybody who differs with you; your so called conservative view point lol I bet all in the name of the Lord right? You have much more to learn. Free speech, when your word...demean others there must be restraint but obviously so many choose to act ignorantly especially the acts of so many republicans. You may have read some but you sure are ignorant when it comes to the common decency of treating others with respect like so many republicans do. I suggest you try to let your words bring love, joy, and peace to others. You are an offense to so many. Try to accept and love others maybe you will be a more happy person. I feel sorry for you. I can tell you are a miserable person. Liberals do not try to tell you how to live yet you try to make them live how you want them to. Leave people alone and stop putting others down. Look at yourself you have enough faults of or own to deal with. Maybe then you will be happier".

No More then a few lines into your epitaph, DAVID, you stated "demean others there must be Restraint but obviously so many choose" iT IS YOU WHO WANTS TO TELL PEOPLE HOW TO LIVE, I rest my case. Another minor point by what authority do you judge anyone?

You have a right to be a PAGAN. more power to you. Excuse me for having reverence in the Lord. In closing, you are sensational in projecting. Its Ok, I still like you, I think you can be helped.

Small wonder that his sister-in-law's family have all blocked him.

America is on the Ropes, can she go the Distance

Today Gas is 3.09 a gallon in Florida. We have total cessation of any drilling for oil drilling for energy independence. this week we have reached and surpassed the amount of Foreclosures in the 1930's. Unemployment despite reports is a double digit reality. An unprecedented take over of the FCC to ruin the internet and raise what you will pay to use it. The forcing of Global warming and climate change initiatives to force the lowering of the American Standard of living. If in doubt look at the crash of the dollar as inflation is now rivaling Argentina with food prices increasing 50 percent. Total cessation of any drilling for oil, and stops the irrigation of our farmlands so they resemble the desert.

The media raves about how Obama delivers a speech in Tucson Arizona. Did you hear the crowd, you would never know that Obama has a lawsuit against the people of Arizona. The media fails to address the calamity in this country orchestrated by a narcissistic dunce who's major concern is spreading the wealth of "white" Americans. Behind the scenes Obama exempts his ass kissers from his unconstitutional laws. The Putz Pontiff Obama makes ridiculous attempts at hope and change but in truth, America crashes.

September 11 2001

September 11 2001
Never Ever Forget nor Forgive

Favorite Books

  • Brutally Frank, Marshall Frank
  • Caveat, Alexander Haig
  • Florida Practice and Procedures, Trawick
  • In Defense of Internment, Michelle Malkin
  • In Mortal Danger, Tom Tancredo
  • Invasion, Michelle Marklin
  • Minutemen, Jim Gilchrist & Jerome R. Corsi
  • The 911 Report
  • The Death of the West, P. Buchanan
  • The Enemy Within, Michael Savage
  • The Secrets of the Kingdom, G. Posner
  • Truth About Muhammad, Robert Spencer

Nothing is left for the virgins?

Nothing is left for the virgins?
The future of the explosives belt