The Killer Inside Me (not for the squeamish) extremely violent. Casey Aflleck was perfect for the role. Jessica Alba, she is one of mt weaknesses, was phenomenal.
The Killer Inside Me is a 2010 American film adaptation of the 1952 novel of the same name by Jim Thompson.
The film is directed by Michael Winterbottom and stars The Killer Inside Me , Casey Afleck, Kate Hudson, and Jessica Alba. At its release, it was instantly reviled for its graphic depiction of violence and especially as it was directed toward women. To tell the truth I am not squemish, but i admit he violence was so intense that I had to pause the DVD and wait a hal;f hour before going back to the Movie.
At its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2010, Jessica Alba left the theater half way through the screening. It was said she actually had a airplane to catch.
At the emd of the film, someone stood and called to the films director, who was in the audience, saying: "I don't understand how Sundance could book this movie! How dare you? How dare Sundance?" The violence has colored most critical reviews of the film ever since. How dare you? I hate fascists.
I read somewhere the director was speechless and in shock at the reaction by a member of the audience.
In my opinion the world is violent, though tragic we have to face the fact that some people are serial killers. Some woman like pain and the dastardly deeds need to be exposed. Its one thing to hear, read of a wife's beating but quite another to see it depicted. Like it or not some people like pain. Many women in the fifties sustained beatings at the hands of husbands as many would write to Dear Abby about it.
Though my Dad was not as serial killer, it took my mother 17 years before she finally had enough. I actually celebrated the divorce of my parents. The day my mother and father divorced, I was 16 and I told my mother, "Ma! though you don't see it, you hit the lottery the day Dad left". I stand by that statement.
In my sunset years I have always taught my my daughter and especially my sons, "Real men don't hit Woman? Your grandmother, your mom, and your sister are woman, don't ever forget that.