"Pat Campbell" <pat@540wfla.com> Subject: It's about the Security, Stupid! During the Clinton campaign of 1992, the chant, motto or slogan wasalways popping up, "it's the economy, stupid." and this was a campaignagainst another George Bush. Let's leave Mexico out of this briefly, let's forget the sexual predator who was released by a judge because they couldn't find a translator, and let's set aside our President's penchant for appeasing the Mexican government over and above that of our ownthe citizens. Let's just consider the security of our nation.
We have an enemy that cannot be reasoned with, cannot be appeased, and whose ultimate goal is the death and destruction of all Jews and all Americans, anyone who isn't a Muslim is on their list of hated infidels. Now, let's add to that the recent news that Bin Ladin has bee special permission to target American children for death, two million or so. This has been done by a cleric in Saudi Arabia. Now, let's add the fact that Iraqi Muslims are paying the Mexican coyotes more to get smuggled across our borders than the Mexicans will. Okay what about the refusal of Bush's administration to limit the number of visitors from obviously hostile nations, let's put that in there too. (Gee, we wouldn't want to offend the "peaceful muslims" that want to see Disney, would we?)
Now consider the Senators who actually defeated the John Doe law which protects someone who reports suspicious activity to the authorities. In this case the GOP, with the singular exception of the coward Brownback, voted to support the law. And Barak Hussein Obama voted against it. Osama La Bamba, the muslim presidential hopeful, who is sneaking across the border of truth and lies in his quest to bring America much needed sympathy to the cause of Islam. Could it be that he doesn't want to antagonize the Muslim community that would help put him in the Whitehouse? Make no mistake about where Hussein's loyalties lie, once a muslim, always a muslim, especially in the formative years.
If our borders are not closed soon, there will be another attack, one aimed at our children and Mexico be damned, it's about the security of our nation, stupid! The fight is not over simply because we have had a victory against Mel's bill, this time. The continued bending over and grabbing our ankles policy on immigration this administration has will be the reason that innocent children are killed by a group of soulless monsters intent on gaining 72 virgins and a paradise. When this happens, the American people are going to rise up against George, Mel, Ted and all those others who refused to lift a finger to protect us in the name of making the Mexican government content. And when this happens, God help the Muslim community who refused to stand up and fight against these monsters, whether because they silently agreed with them, or out of fear of reprisals it won't matter, because this country will never be the same for them.
You know, people, Whether they are a Democrat or a Republicana, if they are part of the problem, toss them out now! Its about Restoring Common Sense to Washington - Whether They Like It Or Not. Dave Roberts for Senate 2010! Vote for anyone not a permenant fixture in the Halls of Congress in Washington.
If America wants to live into prosperity, we need to vote against the old furniture laying around in the Capital. We have inherited the worse of the worst to the names of Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Fienstien, Mel Martinez, Bill Nelson, Lindsay Graham, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, John Murtha, these people thhink we are to stupid to discern for ourselves. The threat of Osama Barak Huissein wah tusi, Hillary Clinton is very real, just like the audience for the duncette Rosi O'Dumbell, just listen to the clapping and laughing of the audiences.
I relish Mike Savage for president, no joke he is better relief then the dodo birds like Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Fienstien, Mel Martinez, Bill Nelson, Lindsay Graham, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, John Murtha you know the crew.
We have an enemy that cannot be reasoned with, cannot be appeased, and whose ultimate goal is the death and destruction of all Jews and all Americans, anyone who isn't a Muslim is on their list of hated infidels. Now, let's add to that the recent news that Bin Ladin has bee special permission to target American children for death, two million or so. This has been done by a cleric in Saudi Arabia. Now, let's add the fact that Iraqi Muslims are paying the Mexican coyotes more to get smuggled across our borders than the Mexicans will. Okay what about the refusal of Bush's administration to limit the number of visitors from obviously hostile nations, let's put that in there too. (Gee, we wouldn't want to offend the "peaceful muslims" that want to see Disney, would we?)
Now consider the Senators who actually defeated the John Doe law which protects someone who reports suspicious activity to the authorities. In this case the GOP, with the singular exception of the coward Brownback, voted to support the law. And Barak Hussein Obama voted against it. Osama La Bamba, the muslim presidential hopeful, who is sneaking across the border of truth and lies in his quest to bring America much needed sympathy to the cause of Islam. Could it be that he doesn't want to antagonize the Muslim community that would help put him in the Whitehouse? Make no mistake about where Hussein's loyalties lie, once a muslim, always a muslim, especially in the formative years.
If our borders are not closed soon, there will be another attack, one aimed at our children and Mexico be damned, it's about the security of our nation, stupid! The fight is not over simply because we have had a victory against Mel's bill, this time. The continued bending over and grabbing our ankles policy on immigration this administration has will be the reason that innocent children are killed by a group of soulless monsters intent on gaining 72 virgins and a paradise. When this happens, the American people are going to rise up against George, Mel, Ted and all those others who refused to lift a finger to protect us in the name of making the Mexican government content. And when this happens, God help the Muslim community who refused to stand up and fight against these monsters, whether because they silently agreed with them, or out of fear of reprisals it won't matter, because this country will never be the same for them.
You know, people, Whether they are a Democrat or a Republicana, if they are part of the problem, toss them out now! Its about Restoring Common Sense to Washington - Whether They Like It Or Not. Dave Roberts for Senate 2010! Vote for anyone not a permenant fixture in the Halls of Congress in Washington.
If America wants to live into prosperity, we need to vote against the old furniture laying around in the Capital. We have inherited the worse of the worst to the names of Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Fienstien, Mel Martinez, Bill Nelson, Lindsay Graham, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, John Murtha, these people thhink we are to stupid to discern for ourselves. The threat of Osama Barak Huissein wah tusi, Hillary Clinton is very real, just like the audience for the duncette Rosi O'Dumbell, just listen to the clapping and laughing of the audiences.
I relish Mike Savage for president, no joke he is better relief then the dodo birds like Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Fienstien, Mel Martinez, Bill Nelson, Lindsay Graham, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, John Murtha you know the crew.