Interesting electronic mail, it was sent to a vulture in areal estate debacle.
I am being foreclosed upon. I have a counter suit against the mortgage company over flood insurance and i am not in the flood zone. My war is against the system, that allows and permits predatory lending practices by financial institution to steal from hard working people like me. As for me its about street justice, getting even, a sucker punch for the common man.
I used the foreclosure to save any lawsuit court costs. I have since stopped the foreclosure! Its wedged, at the interrogatories stage for now. I also challenged the right to foreclose because I knew the mortgage company was bought by another bank and the initiator of the foreclosure is no longer the owner of the note. The case is frozen in the court.
Now with the alien impostor Obama's inept screwing with the Fannie and Freddie franchise, who knows what will happen. That is standard operating procedure when the state gets involved in a business they know nothing about.
Of this I am sure. I will challenge the foreclosure every step of the way. After the summary judgment for foreclosure is granted, I will Appeal.
I will file a "pauper affidavit" so i can proceed on the Appeal for free. I will file the Appeal complete with table of contents, sighting jurs prudence, citations, and some precedent test cases. I will remember to file for additional time and extensions because I am litigating "pro se" (practicing law for myself) .
Whatever bank is on record, they will have to pay an Appeal Attorney to defend the Appeal or loose by default. Not everyone is an Appeal Attorney, and the surety of $22,000.00 for each Appeal and the bank be footing the bill is for certain.
I will most likely loose the Appeal. The case will be remanded back to the circuit court and I will continue to next decision. I will Appeal that decision of the circuit court. I will continue to Appeal into oblivion.
I will stay in this house until I am dead or have reached the total equity that WAS MY EQUITY, before this economical depression, which ever comes first. I will reach that amount in 7 years. One year and 2 months has already passed and we are not passed interrogatories. I predict in 6 years I break even.
I am pissed off because all of the above was caused by government intrusion, allowed by Americans. Clinton, both Bush, Obama, on their watch has screwed us all.
People keep electing to congress morons like Pelosi, Reid, Specter, Boxer, Fienstien, Bill Nelson, McCain, Snowe, Collins, Lee, Russ Fiengold, Maxine Waters, to numerous to bore you. I mean America, Barbara Boxer and Maxine Waters! this dummies is in Congress. My kids are 15 years old are smarter and more conservative then the permanent fixtures in congress.
Anyway, Thank you for your interest, my house is underwater, and I know that i will not collect my equity in any other way then the way I have it planned.
Just a few words, as a cool as a cucumber, and one of these days foreclosed upon, from a hapless homeslice out in the Sunshine State.