On May 19, 1973, That summer, Archibald Cox, also learned with the rest of America about the secret taping system installed in the White House on orders from President Richard M. Nixon. Over the next few months, Cox, the Senate Watergate committee, and the U.S. District Judge John J.
Sirica battled with the Nixon Administration over whether Mr. Nixon, could be compelled to yield up those tapes in response to a grand jury subpoena.
Sirica ordered Nixon to comply with the committee's and Cox's demands, the President offered Cox a compromise John
Stennis would then prepare summaries of the tapes' contents. Cox rejected this compromise on Friday, October 19, 1973. On Saturday, October 20, 1973, Cox held a press
conference to explain his decision.
That evening, in an event widely dubbed the Saturday Night Massacre, President Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Cox. He refused and resigned, The Deputy Attorney General William
Ruckelshaus and likewise he to refused to fire Cox, and resigned. All of these
resignations left Solicitor General Robert Bork, with the reality that somebody had to carry out the president's orders, Bork fired Cox.
Upon being fired, Cox stated, "whether ours shall be a government of laws and not of men is now for Congress and ultimately the American people to decide." The firing of Cox illustrated the need of independent counsel prosecutors specifically appointed to investigate official misconduct. Ultimately, on 8 August 1974, Nixon announced his decision to resign as president. The firing of Archibald Cox, as was Watergate, the burglars, as was the idea of taping conversations by Nixon was just plain stupid, so dumb.
Forward to 2009.
Its not like the firing of an investigator for discovery of millions of taxpayer dollars being
stolen and misappropriated as this
Americorps scandal. The act of firing Mr.
Walpin is criminal and an obstruction of justice. Obama should be impeached. Look where the firing of a special investigator for the refusal of the release of tapes got us in 1974. The same firing of a special independent investigator of the
recieving of thousands of taxpayer money by cronies of the fake president of 2009. How
AmeriCorps funds, were wasted or misspent, and
Obama's attempt to obstruct justice, people this is truly criminal.
President Barack Obama fired the inspector general who investigates
AmeriCorps and other
national service programs amid a controversy between the
IG and Sacramento Mayor Kevin
Johnson, who is an Obama supporter and former NBA basketball star.
IG, Gerald
Walpin, was criticized by the U.S. attorney in Sacramento for the way he
handled an investigation of Johnson and his nonprofit group, St. HOPE Academy, which
received hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal grants from the Corporation for
National Community Service. The corporation runs the
AmeriCorps program.
On Thursday, Obama said in a letter to Congress that he had lost confidence in
Neither the president nor deputy White House press secretary Josh Earnest would give
details. The president must give Congress 30 days’ notice before removing
Walpin, who was
suspended with pay for the 30 days. Earnest said, “The president will appoint a replacement
in whom he has full confidence as the corporation carries out its important mission.”
Sen. Chuck
Grassley, R-Iowa, in a letter to Obama, pointed to a law requiring that
Congress be given the reasons an
IG is fired. He cited a Senate report saying the
requirement is designed to ensure that inspectors general are not removed for political
Grassley said
Walpin had identified millions of dollars in
AmeriCorps funds that
were wasted or misspent and “it appears he has been doing a good job.”
Impeach this
phony fake Impostor Alien Dictator Wannabe.