Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama like Hitler was democratically elected

Obama like Hitler was democratically elected. I notice how people believe in Obama like those who blindly followed Hitler because Germany was in economic dumps. Obama was a very convincing and charismatic speaker. He to enjoyed the one, messiah, almost a fuhrer, like Hitler. Obama also had significant focus and appeal on the youth and young adult ages...Are there realistic similarities? I argue that circumstances are similar

I see are similar in substance, apart from some socialistic tendencies, I was just noting the circumstances. One major difference is that Hitler telegraphed his intent. Barack Hussein Obama is a sneak, he has much worse plans then people realize. The "spread the wealth" was a slip of the tongue. Like it was a slip of the tongue when he said "McCain never attacks my Muslim faith". I know he is telling the truth when he says he will raise taxes. One thing about politicians, they lie like rugs about everything except when they say that they will raise taxes, of that you can be sure.

If elected we will get change, we will have a deficit. However it will be worse. The deficit will not only be in the stock market, the banks, and in Washington! You will see deficits in your wallet to. McCain has my vote....the lesser of the 2 evils.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I want to punish your success beleive me

The shot heard round the states. My Grandfather Angel Ponce a farmer who never went to school told me that Politicians are the biggest liars. He told me that if a Politician promises to raise taxes., be assured that when he does promise to raise taxes...thats the only time, he truly he is not lying.

"It's not that I want to punish your success,My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Barack Hussein Obama, to Joe the Plumber, Sunday, October 12, 2008

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." 1875, the slogan of Karl Marx, co-author of the Communist manifesto

As Far as I'm concerned, this Muslim, radical, communist, robin hood can spread my cheeks and kiss my ass because that's all I will have with his plans of curing the social inequities in our society.

I voted already for McCain and Palin because as far as I'm concerned, the medicine man with his magic elixirs to fix his perceived notion of racial idolatry that i believe does not exist. I am angry that this Gumby of Politics, raised the issue of race to a level that I will remember for years to come.

I cannot believe that this crooner of crap and innuendo's got as far as he has, which tells me that either these political hacks are stuffing Ballot boxes or Americans have developed into a nation of useful idiots. I pray the former is the facts.

September 11 2001

September 11 2001
Never Ever Forget nor Forgive

Favorite Books

  • Brutally Frank, Marshall Frank
  • Caveat, Alexander Haig
  • Florida Practice and Procedures, Trawick
  • In Defense of Internment, Michelle Malkin
  • In Mortal Danger, Tom Tancredo
  • Invasion, Michelle Marklin
  • Minutemen, Jim Gilchrist & Jerome R. Corsi
  • The 911 Report
  • The Death of the West, P. Buchanan
  • The Enemy Within, Michael Savage
  • The Secrets of the Kingdom, G. Posner
  • Truth About Muhammad, Robert Spencer

Nothing is left for the virgins?

Nothing is left for the virgins?
The future of the explosives belt