Spare the life of Iran. Israel! here is your chance. Iranian president to attend UN General Assembly in the Big Apple. Its perfect for a pre-emptive strike.
Like Isoruko Yamamoto, the mastermind of Pearl Harbor, he was planning to visit with the troops in New Guinea until he met his fate with eight p-38 Lightnings that shot down his "betty" bomber into the jungle.
Ahmadinejad to stay in New York for two days before heading to Venezuela, Iranian news agency reports. Hmmmm very interesting, lots of lives would be saved if the Hitler of our time met the same fate over the pacific as Yamamoto.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will arrive in New York on September 24 in order to attend the United Nation's 62nd General Assembly session, the Iranian news agency Fars reported Friday. Its perfect for sending this bum to Muslim heaven.
According to the report, Ahmadinejad will stay in the city for two days and will be accompanied by a high-level delegation. This will be the Iranian president's third visit to the United States since his election in 2005. Maybe he should take a walk around the neighborhood and meet with the locals who will divest him of his wallet, watch and currency.
In addition to delivering a speech at the UN General Assembly, Ahmadinejad is also expected to meet with other heads of states and with official Iranian representatives at the UN headquarters and Iranians living in the US. It is unbelievable how the United States allows this varmint a visa to pollute our half of the hemisphere.
Ahmadinejad is then expected to head to Venezuela for a meeting with his anti-American ally, our hero, President Hugo Chavez. The real "el diablo" who projects his persona on our President George W. Bush.
Last year, the Iranian leader criticized the UN Security Council and slammed its permanent members, the United States and Britain, for "committing crimes" in Iraq and Afghanistan, saying that therefore the Security Council and the sanctions it imposed on his country over its nuclear plan had no legal validation. Ahmadinejad is a devout Shiite Muslim, and had felt that he was accompanied by divine supervision during at least one of his previous visits to New York. Following his first visit on September 2005, he told one of Iran's radical clerics that during his speech at the UN someone had told him that he was "surrounded by a divine halo" and that the attention of all the world's leaders was focused on him.
Mr. Ahmadinejad suffers from delusions of grandeur as with many Muslims, who call themselves "purists" in the chat rooms.
Ahmadinejad had said at the time, "I also felt that, and I sensed that the atmosphere had suddenly changed and that all the leaders did not even blink for about 27 or 28 minutes, and I'm not exaggerating."
Its no surprise that the leaders lack of blinking was physical "shock" of seeing and hearing his utter disdain for Israel, the United States and the west. Ahmadinejad, this anus who believes he is divine. Ahmadinejad prays that he to will be swirling about on a golden Chariot such as his predecessor the prophet himself.
The "Religion of Peace" or rather the cult of the undead, has the seeds of its own destruction sowed into there existence. The Pope was right, there is no room on the planet for us and Islam.