I like the Lars Larsen show since I don't agree with Lars many times.
Oh amnesty for the illegal! The officers deserve amnesty to.
I have had it with illegal. Everyone I know has had it with illegal aliens. 9 out of 10 people on talk shows have had it with illegal. The illegal crime rate is astronomical. Mr. McCarthy wrote a piece on the criminality of the border agents. He says no one gets special treatment from the president on down. He is wrong. The list of special treatment is endless. Nixon pardoned, Berger, pardoned, drunken Mr. Kennedy gets a ride from the local police, what happened to the guy with the dough in the freezer? Nothing happened either. The disregard for the rule of law goes on everyday right under our noses.
Its a fact of life if you are rich, have a good position, friends in high places you get a slap on the wrist. We have a selective system of punishment; ask Mr. Bush and the Senate who wants to give social security to illegal. It’s fine for our so called "Rule of Law" to allow illegal aliens to use forged documents to make themselves eligible for benefits. The illegal alien has friends in high places. The rule of law, huh..."lets give 30 million illegal amnesties. Let’s forgive all the identities stolen so that the illegal can work.
A guy had his identity used by an illegal ran up a 12,000.00 dollar tax bill with the IRS, and had 12 jobs....all news to him. Let’s reason together...if there are 30 million illegal aliens working in the USA, then there are 30, million stolen identities.
I have better things to do than sit down for a half hour every month, cross checking my debit card, checking account and credit cards because I only have 60 days to contest any case of identity theft with my bank.
Mistakes are made by people every day. 12 years for border agents who shot a drug dealer mother flower in the buttocks is outrageous to me. We live in a society that embraces the rule of law and yet gives a pass to child rapists with treatment, instead of 12 years.
I disagree with you Lars and Mr. McCarthy, Forgive the border agents and give them medals.
LarsLarsen.com response was, why do officers who shot a man in the back, concealed the evidence and lied about the shooting...why do they need amnesty
My response was, Why not Lars. 30 million shoot my wallet right through the heart, conceal the evidence and lie about the truth and are getting amnesty why not our guys
LarsLarsen.com response was … turning the United States to the same kind of corruption that has ruined Mexico. Great idea.
The United States is not above corruption either, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I love my country but there is plenty of amnesty to go around.
I responded with this to Lars, although no one mentions this small fact Lars. Who said? The criminal is the vestor of the truth against the border agent...give me a break. In New York it’s your word against the other equals no case. They went into Mexico and gave the crook immunity. That’s whets wrong with this case. The border agents should go free. Anthony McCarthy was not there either.
In closing, the real travesty of this case is that after all the bullets, the border agents did not kill the drug dealer. That perhaps was the real crime. Dead men tell no tales, and our border agents were bad shots.
Are the border agents supposed to do crossword puzzles? If the border agents were not in the jail then perhaps our border guys and guardsmen would not have run away.
What is really sad is that the runaway elites collected medals of honor for running away. Washington has signs of mental illness.
All of the comments on this blog is strictly for discerning adults, as we stare socialism in the eye in the 21st Century.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Poor Ford, What the Media does not report
All over the news, POOR FORD MOTOR COMPANY
Ford will cut 25,000 to 30,000 jobs, close 14 plants. Ford Motor (F) announced a massive restructuring plan Monday that will not only shrink the company, but also overhaul both the product mix and the sticker prices that customers see in Ford, Mercury and Lincoln showrooms.
Ford Motor CEO Bill Ford discusses plans for the car giant that include plant closings and layoffs.A downsized Ford, shedding up to 30,000 jobs and 14 factories by 2012, will become more innovative, add more in-demand small and gas-electric hybrid vehicles and adjust prices to reflect what customers have actually been paying, CEO Bill Ford vowed TO BUILD A STRONGER COMPANY. The cuts represent 20% to 25% of Ford's North American workforce of 122,000 people. Ford has approximately 87,000 hourly workers and 35,000 salaried workers in North America.
Even as it shutters plants, Ford is thinking of building a new one: "a low-cost manufacturing site." No details were given. I wonder where?
FORD Motors Co. plans to sink more investments into the Philippines for the manufacture of flexible fuel engines that could burn fuels with higher ethanol blend.
Peter Daniels, Ford president for Asia-Pacific and Africa, told reporters on Tuesday that the company would invest P1.1 billion to expand its existing assembly plant in Santa Rosa, Laguna, to build the new engine model. Huh? News to me.
“Ford is eyeing to use this engine technology for new cars being introduced in the market. We plan to fit this new engine to around 100,000 units in the next five years,” Daniels said, adding that the company would use the engine initially for the Focus model, which the company launched recently.
Vehicles using the flexible-fuel engines are also intended for markets abroad besides selling the vehicles locally, Daniels said.
The new investment will be used in expanding Ford’s facility, retooling and hiring new workers, he said. The new engine production plant is expected to be operational in early part of 2007.
The average filipino makes 110.00 usd a month. Need I say more.
Ford will cut 25,000 to 30,000 jobs, close 14 plants. Ford Motor (F) announced a massive restructuring plan Monday that will not only shrink the company, but also overhaul both the product mix and the sticker prices that customers see in Ford, Mercury and Lincoln showrooms.
Ford Motor CEO Bill Ford discusses plans for the car giant that include plant closings and layoffs.A downsized Ford, shedding up to 30,000 jobs and 14 factories by 2012, will become more innovative, add more in-demand small and gas-electric hybrid vehicles and adjust prices to reflect what customers have actually been paying, CEO Bill Ford vowed TO BUILD A STRONGER COMPANY. The cuts represent 20% to 25% of Ford's North American workforce of 122,000 people. Ford has approximately 87,000 hourly workers and 35,000 salaried workers in North America.
Even as it shutters plants, Ford is thinking of building a new one: "a low-cost manufacturing site." No details were given. I wonder where?
FORD Motors Co. plans to sink more investments into the Philippines for the manufacture of flexible fuel engines that could burn fuels with higher ethanol blend.
Peter Daniels, Ford president for Asia-Pacific and Africa, told reporters on Tuesday that the company would invest P1.1 billion to expand its existing assembly plant in Santa Rosa, Laguna, to build the new engine model. Huh? News to me.
“Ford is eyeing to use this engine technology for new cars being introduced in the market. We plan to fit this new engine to around 100,000 units in the next five years,” Daniels said, adding that the company would use the engine initially for the Focus model, which the company launched recently.
Vehicles using the flexible-fuel engines are also intended for markets abroad besides selling the vehicles locally, Daniels said.
The new investment will be used in expanding Ford’s facility, retooling and hiring new workers, he said. The new engine production plant is expected to be operational in early part of 2007.
The average filipino makes 110.00 usd a month. Need I say more.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Tancredo is a One Issue Guy? Huh! I Don't Think So
Rusty Humphries, said on his show, Tom Tancredo is a one issue candidate. I like
Rusty Humphries, he has a good show and he needs to read Tom Tancredo's book. Mr
Tancredo, covers all the bases in that book from immigration to Homeland Security.
In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security, is a concise well
written epitaph of what the USA once was, a nation of laws. Mr. Trancredo, the high
priest of the border problem examines the issues. The focus of assimilation, the
myth about the work americans won't do, clash of cultures, the threat to our health
system and the list goes on are all addressed. If 60 percent takehome pay annoys you on payday, read this book. If you are concerned with your children's inheritance of our country, absorb the message.
The President once heralded the need for Social Security reform. I find that its odd, with the Social Security so called deficit looming in the horizon that our congress would want to give away benefits. Why would the Senate want to grant Social Security benefits to illegal nomads. If the very idea of the drain imposed on the United States Social Security Coffer bothers you, and if you dread the sight of our Social Security channeled across the southern border is so preposterous, then read Tom Tancredo's book and wake up America.
After Mr. Humphries reads Tom Tancredo's book, then he will see the error of calling
the Colorado Senator a one issue guy. Rusty's statement is an understatement. I will stand with many Americans that will vote for Tom Tancredo in 2008.
I hope Tom Tancredo would consider running as an independent in the event the party fails to nominate the best man for the job. A very real possibility since the Republicans are now plagued with liberalism that causing a massive mental disorder, of the highest order among our elected officials.
If Tom Tancredo is anything like his recipes for pasta sauces, he will be a great President.
Rusty Humphries, he has a good show and he needs to read Tom Tancredo's book. Mr
Tancredo, covers all the bases in that book from immigration to Homeland Security.
In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security, is a concise well
written epitaph of what the USA once was, a nation of laws. Mr. Trancredo, the high
priest of the border problem examines the issues. The focus of assimilation, the
myth about the work americans won't do, clash of cultures, the threat to our health
system and the list goes on are all addressed. If 60 percent takehome pay annoys you on payday, read this book. If you are concerned with your children's inheritance of our country, absorb the message.
The President once heralded the need for Social Security reform. I find that its odd, with the Social Security so called deficit looming in the horizon that our congress would want to give away benefits. Why would the Senate want to grant Social Security benefits to illegal nomads. If the very idea of the drain imposed on the United States Social Security Coffer bothers you, and if you dread the sight of our Social Security channeled across the southern border is so preposterous, then read Tom Tancredo's book and wake up America.
After Mr. Humphries reads Tom Tancredo's book, then he will see the error of calling
the Colorado Senator a one issue guy. Rusty's statement is an understatement. I will stand with many Americans that will vote for Tom Tancredo in 2008.
I hope Tom Tancredo would consider running as an independent in the event the party fails to nominate the best man for the job. A very real possibility since the Republicans are now plagued with liberalism that causing a massive mental disorder, of the highest order among our elected officials.
If Tom Tancredo is anything like his recipes for pasta sauces, he will be a great President.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Where's Waldo? At the State of the Union

At the State of Union Undress, I did not see Carter?
Where's Waldo? Jimmy Carter, a tie for the worst president ever, is still to close to call. Their may be a tie breaker between now and 2008. We have a way to go yet with our present fixture in the Whitehouse.
The pen pal, Carter who's epitaph, strives for life after death wrote, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid", an anti-Israeli credo.
Maybe the reason for his absence might have something to do with the Carter Center having accepted millions in Arab funding.
Carter’s book has drawn much-overdue attention to some of the funding that pours into the Carter Center, whose intriguing donor list includes anti-Israeli tycoons and Middle East states.
A number of articles have noted that Carter’s anti-Israeli views coincide with those of some of the center’s prime financial backers, including the government of Saudi Arabia and the foundation of Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, whose offer of $10 million to New York City just after Sept. 11 was rejected by then-mayor Rudy Giuliani because it came wrapped in the suggestion that America rethink its support of Israel.
Other big donors listed in the Carter Center’s annual reports include the Sultanate of Oman and the sultan himself; the government of the United Arab Emirates; and a brother of Osama bin Laden, Bakr BinLadin, “for the Saudi BinLadin Group.” Of lesser heft, but still large, are contributions from assorted development funds of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, as well as of OPEC, whose membership includes oil-rich Arab states, Nigeria (whose government is also a big donor to the Carter Center), and Venezuela (whose anti-American strongman Hugo Chávez benefited in a 2004 election from the highly controversial monitoring efforts of the cataracts covered hindsight of the Carter Center.
Come to think about it, I thank God we were spared the sight of Jimmy Carter's piano smile at the State of the Union undress
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Senator Martinez and Duncan want to return to our Roots?
We can’t afford to wait another day. We must return to our roots as the party of freedom and reform, of lower taxes, limited government, individual responsibility, freedom here and abroad, and the power of faith.
As we begin this new chapter, share with us your ideas on how we can make our Party stronger, now and in 2008.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH so you want to go back to your roots. Why now? Why not last summer.
You can't handle the truth. Truth requires work, something coming short from the President on down.
The president stutters when he lies. A smooth orator when he is truthful. Bush says we need a guest worker program...I cringe at the idea because its a lie.
Despite the polls, 9 out of 10 people calling talk shows, want to close the borders, absolutely no play on words when it comes to amnesty.
The President , MaCain and Senator Martinez wants to grant illegal aliens amnesty with social security benefits to match.
Its outrageous, I thought privatization was needed to save the ailing Social Security. Why lie about it. Lets be frank, THe Social Security is just fine, since Martinez wants to grant ILLEGAL ALIENS Social Security benefits. If thats the case, then thir must be plenty of money for 30 million illegal aliens.
I saw the protests, that was not a couple of millions to me, thats mor like 30,000,000 illegals.
If you apply the laws already on the books. Illegal immigration will end. Every illegal worker is using someones stolen identity and then Martinex, Nelson and the rest of the senate wants to give these criminals amnesty.
You guys are nuts. I am making a billboard out of my truck. It will say. "If you are counting on social security in the future do not vote for Martinez. Vote "NO" to Bill Nelson who wasted more than a million dollars of taxpayer money bringing his staff and body guards to Syria to ...do what? Its not what he is hired to do. Thats Prersident Bush's job.
I really think the Republicans are beyond repair. No better then the Democrats. The only congressman I believe in is in Tom Tancredo. If I can I will write his name for Presidentin 2008.
THanks for the E-mail and have a great day, because you almost ruined mine.
Righteously Indignant in Debary, Florida
As we begin this new chapter, share with us your ideas on how we can make our Party stronger, now and in 2008.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH so you want to go back to your roots. Why now? Why not last summer.
You can't handle the truth. Truth requires work, something coming short from the President on down.
The president stutters when he lies. A smooth orator when he is truthful. Bush says we need a guest worker program...I cringe at the idea because its a lie.
Despite the polls, 9 out of 10 people calling talk shows, want to close the borders, absolutely no play on words when it comes to amnesty.
The President , MaCain and Senator Martinez wants to grant illegal aliens amnesty with social security benefits to match.
Its outrageous, I thought privatization was needed to save the ailing Social Security. Why lie about it. Lets be frank, THe Social Security is just fine, since Martinez wants to grant ILLEGAL ALIENS Social Security benefits. If thats the case, then thir must be plenty of money for 30 million illegal aliens.
I saw the protests, that was not a couple of millions to me, thats mor like 30,000,000 illegals.
If you apply the laws already on the books. Illegal immigration will end. Every illegal worker is using someones stolen identity and then Martinex, Nelson and the rest of the senate wants to give these criminals amnesty.
You guys are nuts. I am making a billboard out of my truck. It will say. "If you are counting on social security in the future do not vote for Martinez. Vote "NO" to Bill Nelson who wasted more than a million dollars of taxpayer money bringing his staff and body guards to Syria to ...do what? Its not what he is hired to do. Thats Prersident Bush's job.
I really think the Republicans are beyond repair. No better then the Democrats. The only congressman I believe in is in Tom Tancredo. If I can I will write his name for Presidentin 2008.
THanks for the E-mail and have a great day, because you almost ruined mine.
Righteously Indignant in Debary, Florida
Monday, January 22, 2007
RIYADH, Jan 15 (Reuters) - Iran has asked Saudi Arabia to help ease tensions between the Islamic Republic and the United States in a letter delivered by Tehran's chief nuclear negotiator to the Saudi King.
The letter, from Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, comes at a time of rising tension over Iran's role in Iraq and Tehran's nuclear programme.
Saudi newspapers carried pictures of Iranian negotiator Ali Larijani, who has often visited key U.S. ally and leading Sunni Muslim nation Saudi Arabia over the past year, in what looked like friendly conversation with King Abdullah on Sunday evening.
A Saudi official said Iran wanted Saudi leaders to relay a goodwill message to Washington. Iran would like Saudi Arabia to "help bring opinions together" between Iran and the United States.
Two days later the response came. Saudi Arabia promised troops to help out in Iraq and thats a great idea, "Yawn" why do you not send them?
Instead they send a response to Iran.
KUWAIT CITY, Jan. 16 -- A group of eight Arab nations on Tuesday joined the United States in issuing a veiled warning to Iran against interfering in Iraq's affairs but offered only tepid support for President Bush's new plan for stabilizing Iraq.
The statement was written in diplomatic jargon and did not mention Iran by name or even cite concerns about Iran's nuclear program. It warned against "destabilization" of the Persian Gulf, expressed support for the "principle of noninterference" and said it did not want Iraq to become "a battleground for regional and international powers," code for Iran and the United States.
The statement welcomed Bush's speech as expressing "a commitment by the United States" to saving Iraq, but made no mention of Bush's proposed troop buildup.
Could it be that the United States is piling up carrier groups in the waters off of there backyard. For the "cut and Run" crowd, the love, peace and hippie beads collectors, the proof is in the arabian seas. War is hell, and all of a sudden they want goodwill with Washington.
Mr. Bush send the military to do what they do best. Use massive overwhelming force, clear out the cancers in Iraq and bring are troops home after they win. Its not easy, but our military can do it.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Mr.Bush even the caveman can do it.

Take off the shackles of our troops Mr. Bush. Start with the Pendleton 8 and you will have 20,008 troops to add to our presence in Iraq.. Those guys are killing machines and thats what you will need in Sadr City.
Mr. Bush, cut the rediculous rules of engagement and that will make it so easy, even a caveman can do it.
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